Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yoga Week

Namaste. This week I am excited to share my love of yoga. Yoga is an old ancient practice that dates back to 3300-1700 BCE. Yes, yoga is about poses or asanas but yoga is much more. It can be a spiritual practice. Many people connect to their sense of oneness with everything. That is why I love yoga. It not only address they physical body but the mind as well. Today I want to talk about a wonderful fluid movement called Sun Salutations. How perfect in these darker days of winter to appreciate and acknowledge the sun.

Sun Salutation
Start in Mountain Pose, hands in prayer, abs engaged, gaze ahead.

Now raise your arms up to the sky in a sweeping motion as you exhale

Now fall forward over your legs as you inhale. Plant your hands on the mat or on your shins and look up as you exhale.

Jump back into plank pose either on your knees or on your toes. Inhale here.

Slowing lower into push up pose and you exhale. You may still be on your knees if this is too strenuous.

Lift up into Cobra as you hug your elbows into your sides. Draw your shoulder down and  relax your butt. Inhale here. Only go as high as your low back will allow. You may only be a few inches above the mat.

Lift up into Downward Facing Dog. Bend your knees if this is too intense. Exhale here. Push through your fingers as if you were making the mat longer. Reach down in your heels. Feel the back body stretch and let out an "AHHH". That is optional but it comes naturally for me.

Jump or walk your feet between your hands at the top of your mat on no breathe. Now inhale.

Rise back up on the exhale as you sweep your arms to the sky.

Draw your hands back to prayer as you inhale. You have just completed one round of Sun Salutations.  Repeat as much as you like until you feel complete. Namaste'.

Please check with your physician before attempting any exercises.

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