Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yoga Week

Namaste. This week I am excited to share my love of yoga. Yoga is an old ancient practice that dates back to 3300-1700 BCE. Yes, yoga is about poses or asanas but yoga is much more. It can be a spiritual practice. Many people connect to their sense of oneness with everything. That is why I love yoga. It not only address they physical body but the mind as well. Today I want to talk about a wonderful fluid movement called Sun Salutations. How perfect in these darker days of winter to appreciate and acknowledge the sun.

Sun Salutation
Start in Mountain Pose, hands in prayer, abs engaged, gaze ahead.

Now raise your arms up to the sky in a sweeping motion as you exhale

Now fall forward over your legs as you inhale. Plant your hands on the mat or on your shins and look up as you exhale.

Jump back into plank pose either on your knees or on your toes. Inhale here.

Slowing lower into push up pose and you exhale. You may still be on your knees if this is too strenuous.

Lift up into Cobra as you hug your elbows into your sides. Draw your shoulder down and  relax your butt. Inhale here. Only go as high as your low back will allow. You may only be a few inches above the mat.

Lift up into Downward Facing Dog. Bend your knees if this is too intense. Exhale here. Push through your fingers as if you were making the mat longer. Reach down in your heels. Feel the back body stretch and let out an "AHHH". That is optional but it comes naturally for me.

Jump or walk your feet between your hands at the top of your mat on no breathe. Now inhale.

Rise back up on the exhale as you sweep your arms to the sky.

Draw your hands back to prayer as you inhale. You have just completed one round of Sun Salutations.  Repeat as much as you like until you feel complete. Namaste'.

Please check with your physician before attempting any exercises.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

DVD Review "The Firm-Ultimate Fat-Burning Collection"

Recently I felt the need to change my workout. Even though I am a fitness instructor I get bored easily. I don't usually work out in a gym since I am with clients or teaching classes at the prime times. I am therefore left with the same dilemma many of you suffer. What do I do to workout and when do I have the time? This is what lead me back to home dvd's. I forgot how challenging they can be. This week I tried "The Firm-Ultimate Fat-Burning Collection" and I have to say it was a great workout. There are 4 different workouts on the DVD. All workouts are under an hour and the only optional equipment are hand weights. I would definitely get some hand weights if you work out regularly. You will need 3-8 lb weights.

The girls are great at cueing the moves and they don't say a lot of obnoxious witty small talk that would make you batty by the sixth time you used the workout. I love the total body workout they all provide. They all start with a 5 minute warm-up, take you through a 25-30 minute interval training set, abs on the floor for about 5 minutes and then end with a great stretch. My heart rate definitely got up especially when I incorporated the hand weights.

My only gripe is they claim "Results In 10 Workouts". That is a hard claim to substantiate. I don't know if you will walk out in 10 sessions ready for a playboy spread or anything but if you give it your all and you are consistent you will feel stronger in 10-15 sessions.

I paid $14.95 for the DVD which I think is a great price for 4 workouts. Plus, three of the workouts come with a bonus express version for those short on time.

Always check with your physician before starting any exercise routine.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Three Different Ways To Do "The Hundred"

As many of you know, I am a Certified Pilates Instructor and therefore have a certain bias to Pilates exercises. I find them to be so effective. Here is a classic exercise and a few other versions with a contemporary twist! The hundred is a great abdominal exercise but it is also about breath control. Here are three ways to do "The Hundred". Each one gets more challenging but don't be fooled the most simple one is quite effective.

"The Hundred" refers to the breathing. You will be breathing 100 breathes. Keep track of your sets on your fingers. Start with of your fingers extended and as you complete a 10 set curl them one by one down to your palm. Here goes.....

1. The "Classic" 100- Lie on your back in a neutral position. Beginners can bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor. Slightly more experienced exercisers can bring your legs up to tabletop. Tabletop is when the knees are bent so that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor and the shins are parallel to the floor. Everyone bring your arms straight by your sides, abdominal height off the floor. Lift your head and tilt your chin towards your chest. Begin pulsing your arms as you exhale 5 times and then inhale 5 times. Do this for 10 sets. Squeeze your knees and pull in your belly button.

2. The "V" Sit 100-This is a much more challenging version of the original exercise. Come to the mat and sit in a "V". Legs extended to where the ceiling and the wall meet and arms up to the same angle.  Keep your spine straight and do the same arm pulsing as above. Count 5 exhales and 5 inhales ten times.

3. The Straight Leg Hundred With Different Breathing-Lie on the floor in a neutral position. Lift your head and extend you legs straight to a 45 degree angle. Pulse your arms and exhale 2 counts breath in 8 counts. Do this 10 times. Keep you arms pulled in and squeeze your inner thighs together.

*Please check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3 ways to do a Pilates Push Up-Even A Beginner Can Start Doing Them Today!

Push ups are one of the most challenging exercises, especially for women. That is why most women shy away from them. But they are also one of the best exercises. Here are 3 different ways to do a pilates push up. What make a Pilates push up different is that it is slower and it focuses more on your core or your trunk.  Always make sure that your abdominal muscles are pulled up, inner thighs are tight and you bum is engaged.

Wall Push Ups-Perfect for the beginner-Stand 2 feet from a bare wall. Feet hip distance apart. Hands should be positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. Engage your core before you move. Bend elbows and lower closer to the wall then straighten your arms. Never lock your elbows. Walk further from the wall if this is too easy. You may need to lift your heels up. Repeat 10 times. Do 2 sets with a 30 second break in between. Graduate to the next level once you can do both sets with no struggle.

Modified Push Ups-Great for the intermediate exerciser-Find a clear space and come to your hands and knees. You should position your knees hip width apart. Walk your hands out in front of you at least 2 hand prints. Now shift your weight so you are in a plank position. Do not let your bum stick up to the ceiling. Lift lower legs and feet off the floor. Bend your elbows and lower to the floor then straighten your elbows. Do not lock. Do 2 sets of 10 repitions. Breathe throughout the push up.

Push ups-Get into a plank position. Separate hands shoulder width apart. Feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Begin slow and go down to your max then push up. Do not lock your elbows. Make sure to move slowly and then try to hold the down position for a few counts. Repeat 8-10 reps. Work your way to 2 sets.

*Please check with your doctor before starting any exercise program

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kegel While You Work!

This is an exercise you can do right now. While you are reading this blog contract your pelvic floor muscles and hold them for 8 counts. Do not hold your breathe! Then release and repeat 6-8 times. The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles you contract when you have to hold in your urine. These are called Kegel Exercises named after Dr. Arnold Kegel. Both men and women can benefit from performing these exercises. They can help prevent urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse and uterine prolapse in women. For men, Kegels can help urinary incontinence and prostatitis. Try to do these easy exercises 6-10 a day. Not only will you see a difference in your urinary issues but it can also improve sexual satification.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sneak In A Stretch

The weather in most of the United States is getting cold and that is tough on the body. In fact, as we get cold muscles start to contract and stiffness sets in.  When the body is stiff, blood flow slows down and disease can develop. Blood flow should run free like a river. Our blood carries life giving nutrients and oxygen. That is why stretching is so important but even more so in the cold weather. Don't underestimate 5 minutes of stretching. In the shower, while watch TV or even while sitting at your computer are opportune times to sneak in a stretch. Here are 3 stretches that are helpful for overall muscle wellness. Sneak them in and feel the diffence.

1) Seated hamstring stretch- Sit on a comfortable hard surface with you legs extended in front of you. Pull your toes up. Inhale and reach your arms over head. Exhale and fold forward over your legs. Do not collapse on your thighs. Reach out of your low back and engage your abs. Repeat 5-10 times

2) Low back twist-Lie on your back and pull your knees into your chest. Extend your arms to the letter "T". Look up to the ceiling. Twist your knees to the left as you look to the right. Keep your right shoulder glued down to the floor. Engage your abs. Hold for 5 breaths. Pull your knees center and move to the other side. Repeat 4 times.

3) Tricep/shoulder stretch (great for those sitting at a computer)-bring your palms together in prayer position. With bent elbows, lift your prayer hands over your head and reach down your back. Keep your palms together, shoulders down and gaze ahead. Hold 8 breathes and then repeat 6 times.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome To Be Well Be Fit

Do you want to be in great shape? Do you want to be strong? This blog is where I will give you the Fit Tip Of The Day (FTOD) Today I am telling you to bounce. Why bounce? Because your lymphatic system needs you to jump. The lymph system has no pump like a cardio system. Your lymph system helps take toxins out of your body. Movement is an amazing way to keep things flowing. I use a mini trampoline from Walmart. The bounce is no impact and comfortable for most people. You can get them with a bar attached for balance. But I choose to bounce need a wall or sofa. It cost $29.99. Totally worth the cost. You can start jumping for 5 minutes and work your way up to 30 minutes. Always check with your doctor before starting any workout program. Be Well, Be Fit. Laura L